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What is a DAO?

Definition of DAO

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an organization governed by code and operated by its members, typically on a blockchain. It aims to create a decentralized and democratic decision-making process without a central authority.

Key features of DAOs include:

  1. Autonomy: DAOs operate based on smart contracts, which automate rules and decision-making processes agreed upon by the members.

  2. Transparency: All actions and decisions within a DAO are typically recorded on a public blockchain, ensuring transparency and accountability.

  3. Decentralization: Governance and decision-making are distributed among its members, allowing anyone to participate and have a say in the organization's direction.

DAOs can be used for managing funds, making collective decisions, funding projects, and more. They often utilize tokens to represent voting rights or ownership stakes within the organization. While DAOs offer potential for decentralized governance, they also face challenges such as security vulnerabilities and regulatory considerations. Notable examples include The DAO (an early DAO on Ethereum) and MakerDAO (a decentralized lending platform).

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