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What are PoW and PoS?

Definition of PoW and PoS

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

PoW stands for Proof of Work, which is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks to validate and confirm transactions and add them to the blockchain.

In a PoW system:

  1. Miners: Participants in the network compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles using computational power.

  2. Validation: The first miner to solve the puzzle broadcasts the solution to the network for validation.

  3. Block Addition: Once validated, the block of transactions is added to the blockchain, and the miner receives a reward in the form of newly minted cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) and transaction fees.

PoW is known for its security and has been successfully used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, it requires substantial computational power and energy consumption, leading to environmental concerns.

PoS stands for Proof of Stake, which is an alternative consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks to validate and confirm transactions.

In a PoS system:

  1. Validators: Instead of miners, validators are chosen to create and validate new blocks based on the number of coins they hold or "stake" in the network.

  2. Selection: Validators are chosen to create new blocks in a deterministic way, often based on factors like the number of coins staked or their age in the system.

  3. Validation and Reward: Validators create blocks, validate transactions, and add them to the blockchain. Validators are rewarded with transaction fees or newly minted coins as an incentive for participating and maintaining the network.

PoS is seen as an energy-efficient alternative to PoW because it doesn't require the massive computational power that mining entails.

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